Diviner |
Reged: 09/19/01 |
Posts: 4770 |
Loc: Luna Penal Colony | |
If you're new
to modding and haven't read this before, please read it now:
'prevention is the best medicine...'. 
you have seen this before, there's nothing new: I just wanted a more
descriptive subject so I could find this without having to look at
half the 'plz hlp me', 'I have a question?', etc. posts in my
Favorites list... 
frequently show up here asking about problems with mods they're
working on. One very common type of complaint is unexplained changes
in their mod as they're working on it: doors disappearing, two or
more copies of NPCs, changes that show up in the Construction Set
but not when they test the mod in the game, etc.
following is my standard reply to many of those
likely, what you have is a dirty save game. To fix it, go back to a
saved game made before you first installed the mod, and do all your
testing from there.
Note: the mod should be fine; the
problem is the dirty save.
Rule #1: Before you load your
mod to test it, make a separate saved game without the mod
installed. Then use that saved game to do all your testing.
Rule #2: Don't save your game while testing a mod. Only save
the game once the mod is finished and you're sure you aren't going
to make any more changes.
Rule #3: Once a mod is part of
your saved games, don't edit it.
If you're
going to be doing much modding, it's probably safest to create a
special saved game that you use just for testing mods. Load that
saved game when you want to test a mod, and remember not to save it
with any test mods enabled.
About 'dirty saves':
A dirty save is what you get
when you edit (or update) a mod after it's already included in your
saved game. The saved game contains data that doesn't match the data
in the new version of the .esp file, so the save is now 'dirty'. You
can wind up with duplicated items, disappearing items, containers
that lose their contents, and various other problems.
Editing a mod after it's included in your saved game is
probably THE biggest cause of major foulups for inexperienced
modders, and it's probably the single most common cause of problems
that people post about here.
Search the two Construction Set
forums for a lot more about dirty saves.
When you're editing an area that's already
part of the game, it's safest to only add NEW objects, rather than
editing anything that's already in the game. Editing NPCs,
containers, etc. that are already in the game is a good way to cause
problems with saved games, to cause conflicts with other mods, and
to possibly break something that's important to the game.
you do want to edit an existing NPC or another object that's part of
the original game, do your testing with a character that has never
been anywhere near the area you're modifying: not in the same cell
or in any adjacent cells (if you're modifying something in an
exterior cell).
a fairly extensive discussion about avoiding dirty saves, and other
tips on 'clean' modding, in this thread:
if you're going to be doing much modding, I'd recommend reading the
Construction Set forum regularly: there are a lot of very common
problems (such as dirty saves) that frequently trip up inexperienced
modders, and reading the CS forum may help you avoid some
-------------------- How to avoid the most
common problem encountered by new modders: Dirty Saves: Causes and Cures
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Diviner |
Reged: 09/19/01 |
Posts: 4770 |
Loc: Luna Penal Colony | |
Again, nothing
new: just adding some more 'dirty save' info that I've typed in from
scratch too many times...
If I ever do come up with anything
new on dirty saves that the regulars here may not already know
about, I'll post it separately from this thread.
I'm just using this thread as a 'Dirty Save UnFAQ' thread,
to keep all this in one place.
Common question:
I made a mod to give new clothes to
an NPC, or new items for sale to a merchant NPC. The new items show
up in the Construction Set, but they don't show up in the game.
What's going on?
If you've already interacted with that NPC, or possibly just
been in the same cell, their inventory is stored in your saved game
and won't be changed by the mod.
The data in an .esm or
.esp file just sets the initial condition of the NPC (and everything
else in the game) when you start a new game. Once you've interacted
with the NPC (or most other objects) in the game, the data is stored
in your saved game for future use.
When you load up your
game: first it reads in the data from the .esm files, then from the
.esp files, and then it updates that based on what's in your saved
game. So if you've interacted with the NPC already, the NPC's data
from your save will be used instead of the data in the .esm and .esp
What you can do is change the clothing on NPCs
your character hasn't seen in the game yet, or create new NPCs to
wear the clothes. Or you could start a new character after you've
dressed up the NPCs to suit you.
And if you're trying to
give a merchant new items to sell:
You can put them in a
container (in the same cell) that the merchant owns. Use a new
container (with a new ID) you've added to the game yourself.
You can leave them out in the open, in the same cell, and
set their ownership to the merchant.
changing ownership (or other reference data) for an object, close
the properties sheet by clicking the 'close' button (the small 'X'
in the upper-right corner). NEVER click on the 'Save' button for any
object that you didn't give a unique ID to, unless you know exactly
what you're doing. (Clicking the 'Save' button will change every
copy of that object in the game, not just the one reference you're
working with.)
Not all data about an NPC or other object is stored in your
save game files. For example, the head and hair data isn't saved.
That's why the various mods that change NPC heads/hair can change
the look of NPCs even after you've dealt with them.
inventory, the contents of containers, and a lot of other data is
saved in your save game when you interact with that object, so
changing it in a mod won't have any affect once you've dealt with
that object.
I don't have any kind of complete list of what data actually
gets saved in save files, just some speculation.
As a rule
of thumb, I would guess that data that can only be changed by
loading a mod, but not during the normal course of playing the game,
probably won't be saved. For example, NPC head and hair normally can
only be changed by using a mod; there's no way to change them while
in the game. So there wouldn't be much point in saving that
information in the save game files.
On the other hand, the
inventory affects what an NPC can sell and what you get as loot when
they're dead, and that can change during the normal course of
playing the game. So inventory data certainly has to be saved. And
scripts can move almost any object in the game world around, add new
items to the game world or remove existing objects, etc. So a lot of
data about what objects are in the game world also has to be saved.
As I said, this is just speculation on my part.
-------------------- How to avoid the most common problem
encountered by new modders: Dirty Saves: Causes and Cures
Edited by DinkumThinkum (10/29/03 05:44
Post Extras: |

Master |
Reged: 03/15/02 |
Posts: 5292 |
| |
Pin! Pin!
Although if this does get pinned, it should have a
different title... generally, the people who have the dirty save
problem don't know that's what they have.
D, how about
retitling it to "Help! Things are disappearing and/or doubling!" or
something like that?
-------------------- Srikandi's
Morrowind: my mods, TESCS Item Index, tutorials
Post Extras: |
CaveRat |
Curate |
Reged: 09/17/03 |
Posts: 535 |
Loc: Cave | |
Dinkum, you might wanna paste the links to all those usefull
threads you made into your sig, and then just tell people to check
your sig.
-------------------- Squeak?!
Post Extras: |
Argent |
Disciple |
Reged: 02/05/03 |
Posts: 1854 |
Loc: Australia | |
That's some
top-notch info you've compiled there DT.
second two of Sri's motions; one that this should be pinned, and two
that the title needs to be changed.
CaveRat has posted a link
to this thread from a post that is only 4 posts above this one (at
time of writing).
-------------------- Immersive
Architect: Make Morrowind your world builder.
Morrowind Tech
Post Extras: |
Malhavoc |
Acolyte |
Reged: 08/29/03 |
Posts: 135 |
| |
great post. i
just edited a loaded mod (i know, i know) for a cell i visited
previously (seyda neen docks v.5.0) and reduced a merchants gold
from 7500 to 750. i figured it wouldn't change my game and was
surprised to see him with 750 gold.
any idea as to why this
happened? i'm guessing he's a duplicate and the original is
walking around with 7500. it shouldn't work correct?
Post Extras: |
Klinn |
Diviner |
Reged: 11/19/02 |
Posts: 2319 |
| |
Why did it
work? Did the character you were testing with ever actually interact
with that particular NPC? If not, info like that would not yet be in
your save game. If your character has already bartered with the NPC,
well, I dunno - you got lucky? 
Post Extras: |
Malhavoc |
Acolyte |
Reged: 08/29/03 |
Posts: 135 |
| |
Got lucky I
guess. I traded with him previously and he still has the junk I sold
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Diviner |
Reged: 09/19/01 |
Posts: 4770 |
Loc: Luna Penal Colony | |
Got lucky I guess. I traded with him previously and he
still has the junk I sold him.
As Klinn said, you got
A fairly common complaint here is "I gave a merchant a
whole lot more gold in the Construction Set, but it's not showing up
in the game! What's wrong?".
Which happens (usually) when you
use a mod to change the barter amount after you've already dealt
with the merchant.
How you missed out on this I have no idea.
-------------------- How to avoid the most common problem
encountered by new modders: Dirty Saves: Causes and Cures
Post Extras: |
Rolach |
Diviner |
Reged: 09/21/03 |
Posts: 4956 |
Loc: Here | |
About time you
got this in it's own post, pin this sucka!
-------------------- GOTY
If I'm not here I'm
playing DragonRealms a text based MMRPG.
My little mod page (Thanks to ChaosBlade for
Post Extras: |
Malhavoc |
Acolyte |
Reged: 08/29/03 |
Posts: 135 |
| |
Got lucky I guess. I traded with him previously and he
still has the junk I sold him.
As Klinn said, you got
A fairly common complaint here is "I gave a merchant
a whole lot more gold in the Construction Set, but it's not
showing up in the game! What's wrong?".
Which happens
(usually) when you use a mod to change the barter amount after
you've already dealt with the merchant.
How you missed out
on this I have no idea.
Nor do I. I hunted around last
night and couldn't find any duplicates of him which was my only
explanation. It shouldn't matter if reduced his gold rather than
increased it correct?
Post Extras: |
Malhavoc |
Acolyte |
Reged: 08/29/03 |
Posts: 135 |
| |
related problem I'm having is that Seyda Neen Docks v5 alters the
land in Seyda Neen. Basically, it raises some land for some new
buildings. I have my own mod My Modifications which runs last
(except for list merger and a GMST fixer). SoI went in and reduced
the merchant's gold (via My Modifications as the active file with
Seyda Neen Docks v. 5 also loaded). Now the new buildings are
sitting in the water. My guess is because My Modifications has the
original land settings and is over-writing SN Docks because by
modifiying the merchant i changed the cell. Would this make
and if so, how do i get a mod like My Modifications to
run last and make select entries to various cells (little tweaks
like merchant gold reduction) without over-writing any landscape
changes from other mods?
My apologies since this is off
Post Extras: |
proweler |
Curate |
Reged: 11/26/02 |
Posts: 573 |
Loc: Far away from every body that has knife
and wants to stand behind me | |
moddefieng NPC's in the game do this instead.
1. Select the
NPC you want to change, ravir in this case and give it a new ID,
like "1Pr_Ravir" 2. Make your changes and add this script to the
new NPC 3. Place the NPC at the same place as the original NPC
Note that this only works for uniqe opjects, not for
containers, gaurds, dreamers or soldiers.
Begin ReplaceRavir
short DoOnce
if (DoOnce = 0) ...Ravir ->
Disabel ...set DoOnce to 1 endif
End ReplaceRavir
Anybody else that tried to change ravir the normal way will
be kept out and anybody that does it this way will see 2 ravirs
-------------------- Prowler Scribe of Many Scribs
& Down to Earth Bosmer ShadeWalker; Warrior, when I feel like
it, I might walk up to, summoning armor every step. Mage, when I
feel like it, I might walk up to, absorbing magic step by step.
Thief, weither I feel like it or not, you'll never see anything but
an arrow tip under your chin.
by proweler (10/31/03 08:20 PM)
Post Extras: |

Diviner |
Reged: 09/19/01 |
Posts: 4770 |
Loc: Luna Penal Colony | |
If you have seen this before, there's nothing new: I just
wanted a more descriptive subject so I could find this without
having to look at half the 'plz hlp me', 'I have a question?',
etc. posts in my Favorites list...
Nothing new: just another post
on dirty saves I want to save someplace where I can find it easily.
NOTE: If anybody has a good explanation of how to use the
'Details' list in the Construction Set to clean a dirty save, feel
free to tack it on to this thread. All I know is that you change the
extension from '.ess' to '.esp' so you can view it in the
Construction Set, but I've never actually gotten around to looking
at a save game in the editor.
Most of this thread is aimed at modders: how to avoid dirty
saves while testing mods you're working on. This post is aimed more
at mod users.
Responding to "Melted_Snake", posting in the Mods forum
(thread was "Help! *Falls into hole*")
Well I just installed Sigrad tower and I had veylalia(sp?)
turned on and I turned it off because it was in the same place as
silgrad. But the places I visited on veylalia are still there and
silgrad is cut off at those places. Can I use the advance editor
to fix this some how? I'm like earaseing those places?
As what's-a-name
said, you have a dirty save problem.
Even though you've
uninstalled the veylalia(sp?) plug-in, a lot of information about
that plug-in is still included in your saved game. That's why it's
still showing up in the game. I have some suggestions, but I am far
better at avoiding dirty saves in the first place than I am at
cleaning up the mess after it's already happened.
Uninstalling a mod once it's part of your saved games is
risky. Sometimes it won't cause any problems, other times it may be
impossible to continue playing without the mod installed.
The safest and most reliable way to deal with this is to go
back to the backup save game you made just before you first
installed the veylalia(sp?) plugin, and start over from there with
the new plugin installed instead.
If you don't want to start over from your backup save game,
you can try to clean an existing save game. Back it up first, and
don't save over it.
1. Load up a saved game made with just
the veylalia(sp?) mod installed (i.e., from before you installed the
Sigrad tower plugin). Enable the veylalia(sp?) mod, but NOT the
Sigrad Tower one.
2. If you have any items that weren't part
of the mod stored in a container or cell that was added or changed
by the mod, get it out of there.
3. Dump everything out of
your inventory that was part of the veylalia(sp?) mod. If you're not
sure which (if any) items came from that mod, then just drop
everything you have. Dump it somewhere that's not part of the mod,
wasn't affected by the mod, and isn't adjacent to a cell affectected
by the mod. (Some of that may be overkill, but better safe than
4. Put your character in a small interior cell
that's not part of the mod, etc. (see #3 above for the .etc part).
5. Now save the game (with your character in that interior
cell) and exit the game.
6. Now start the game, and leave
BOTH plugins disabled. You'll probably see a ton of error messages
(because the game is trying to find all the objects, etc. that were
part of the veylalia(sp?) mod. Click past them.
7. If the
game manages to load without crashing, spend a lot of time playing
it (with both plugins disabled) to see if it's working right.
8. Once you're satisfied the game survived, go ahead and
install the Silgrad tower plugin and continue playing.
guarantees that the above will work, that it wil make your game
playable, or that it will eliminate all problems caused by
uninstalling a plugin.
There's a second method for cleaning a saved game using the
Construction Set, but I've never tried it and don't know the
Edit: Corrected the following based on Argent's
post and expanded it a little:
What other people have posted
is that you can change the extension of the saved game from '.ess'
to '.esp'. Then open the editor, go to the Data Files screen (from
the File menu), and use the 'Details' list and the Delete key to
ignore all references to the plugin you want to get rid of. DO NOT
try to actually load the save file into the editor; just clean it
from the Details list. Then hit the Cancel button to exit without
loading the save file.
See Argent's post a couple posts
further down for a few more details on this.
I've never used
this procedure, so I can't offer any more than the above. (My
strategy is prevention: avoiding dirty saves is easier and more
reliable than trying to clean up the mess aftewards.)
Another edit:
Dave Humphrey just posted the following in another thread;
I've pasted it in here to make it easily findable if some one needs
to fix textures after removing a mod.
Dave Humphrey Curate
Reged: 06/18/00 Posts:
540 Loc: Toronto, Canada Re: Help a mod appreciator... [Re:
Iudmin] #1948028 - 11/10/03 09:35 AM Edit Reply Quote
When you install the original game, all the landscape
textures (and other data files) are in the big Morrowind.Bsa file.
When a mod like Green Morrowind changes the textures they place the
new textures into the game's Data Files\Textures path. The game
notices the new files and loads them from there instead of the BSA
In order to revert back to the original texture you
can do one of several things. First, you can delete the textures you
don't want from the textures path. Of course, you should be careful
to just delete the appropriate textures otherwise you might break
other mods.
The second, and possibly better, method, is to
copy all the original textures from your second CD (labelled
Construction Set I believe). The old textures will overwrite any
replaced textures and things will get back to normal. Of course this
will overwrite any replaced textures (but not new ones) so if you
just want to revert your landscape textures but not anything else
you'll have to copy the files back selectively.
If you're
hard up and lost the 2nd CD, you can also extract all the textures
files from the Morrowind.Bsa file.
Dave Humphrey - Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages, serving the ES
community since 1995. MWEdit - Alternate plugin editor
NIFTexture Script Functions
-------------------- How to avoid the most common problem
encountered by new modders: Dirty Saves: Causes and Cures
Edited by DinkumThinkum (11/10/03 09:45
Post Extras: |
CaveRat |
Curate |
Reged: 09/17/03 |
Posts: 535 |
Loc: Cave | |
If not, info like that would not yet be in your save game. If
your character has already bartered with the NPC, well, I dunno -
you got lucky?
No way. 
maximum budget ( the value you set in CS ) does not get saved
in the savegame. (checked in the hex editor). Game apparently only
saves the current budget ( at the point of saving. )
If you
changed the value in CS, and don't see the change in the game, it is
probably because of how game handles budget 'restoration' (within 24
hours). Sell some items to him, sleep for 24 hours, and eventually
his budget will be as you specified in CS. (at least it always works
for me)
-------------------- Squeak?!
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Diviner |
Reged: 09/19/01 |
Posts: 4770 |
Loc: Luna Penal Colony | |
Merchant's maximum budget ( the value you set in CS )
does not get saved in the savegame. (checked in the hex
editor). Game apparently only saves the current budget ( at the
point of saving. )
If you changed the value in CS, and
don't see the change in the game, it is probably because of how
game handles budget 'restoration' (within 24 hours). Sell some
items to him, sleep for 24 hours, and eventually his budget will
be as you specified in CS. (at least it always works for
Makes sense to me, although I
haven't tested it yet.

often as this has come up (raising merchants' maximum barter gold is
always popular), I'm surprised nobody ever pointed this out before.
The general 'assumption' (yes, I know...) has always been that it
was just one more saved game problem.
I stand corrected!
-------------------- How to avoid the most common problem
encountered by new modders: Dirty Saves: Causes and Cures
Post Extras: |
Argent |
Disciple |
Reged: 02/05/03 |
Posts: 1854 |
Loc: Australia | |
change the extension of the saved game from '.ess' to '.esp'.
Then load it into the editor
and use the 'Details' list to remove all references
Should replace load with view; I've never been able
to load a save file into the editor. It gets to 99% and then crashes
with an error. The file contents can be viewed from the Data
Files|Details list like you say, but this doesn't require the file
to be loaded. Assuming you know what you're looking for, it's
possible to toggle some records as ignored (like NPC_ or SCPT
records) but you can't remove cell references, and often it's these
that fatally corrupt save games.
If you are after more
control over editing a save file, like deleting cell references or
copying your custom made spells/enchanted weapons to a plugin file,
then I higly recommend The Morrowind Enchanted Editor.
To quote
Farren 'It's like TESAME on steroids'. I reckon it's had a healthy
dose of growth hormones too!
-------------------- Immersive
Architect: Make Morrowind your world builder.
Morrowind Tech
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Diviner |
Reged: 09/19/01 |
Posts: 4770 |
Loc: Luna Penal Colony | |
change the extension of the saved game from '.ess' to
'.esp'. Then load it into
the editor and use the 'Details' list to remove all references
Should replace load with view; I've never been
able to load a save file into the editor. It gets to 99% and then
crashes with an error. The file contents can be viewed from
the Data Files|Details list like you say, but this doesn't require
the file to be loaded.
Caught me again!
As many times as I've explained how to use the Details list to clean
Glad all you sharp eyed and sharp witted folks are around to
keep me straight!
Edit: I went back and fixed the post.
Should be more accurate now.
-------------------- How to
avoid the most common problem encountered by new modders: Dirty Saves: Causes and Cures
Edited by DinkumThinkum (11/10/03 09:05
Post Extras: |
Farren |
Acolyte |
Reged: 06/28/03 |
Posts: 174 |
Loc: Johannesburg, South Africa
| |
Hell I see
Argent got here first. Thanks for the punt. Theres a thread here
where I illustrate how to turn a 5MB save into a 1MB one:
3td or 4th post on this page
cranks your FPS up by about 10. It also kills doubling errors.
It works by simply taking a flamethrower to some of the
"tracks" left by the persistent object model employed in Morrowind
saves. This does have qirky side effects like ressurecting slain
NPCs, but it preserves faction, rank, info, attitudes and all the
other stuff your quests depend on.
/shameless plug
-------------------- Enchanted Editor 0.91c beta download
(Last update 9-11-2003 18:11 GMT + 2): Complete Setup (6MB)
Post Extras: |
Farren |
Acolyte |
Reged: 06/28/03 |
Posts: 174 |
Loc: Johannesburg, South Africa
| |
Hell I see
Argent got here first. Thanks for the plug
Theres a thread here where I illustrate how to turn a 5MB save into
a 1MB one:
3rd or 4th post on this page
cranks your FPS up by about 10. It also kills doubling errors.
It works by basically carpet-bombing the most
space-consuming "tracks" left by the persistent object model
employed in Morrowind saves. This does have qirky side effects like
ressurecting slain NPCs, but it preserves faction, rank, info,
attitudes, your journal and all the other stuff your quests depend
/shameless plug
-------------------- Enchanted
Editor 0.91c beta download (Last update 9-11-2003 18:11 GMT + 2):
Complete Setup (6MB)
Post Extras: |

Diviner |
Reged: 09/19/01 |
Posts: 4770 |
Loc: Luna Penal Colony | |
Hell I see Argent got here first. Thanks for the punt. Theres
a thread here where I illustrate how to turn a 5MB save into a 1MB
3td or 4th post on this page
That link doesn't work too
well for me; had to fiddle with an almost blank page to get to the
thread. Let's see if this link works better:
this one works better (for me, anyway!). 
yeah: thanks for the info!
-------------------- How to
avoid the most common problem encountered by new modders: Dirty Saves: Causes and Cures
Post Extras: |
Klinn |
Diviner |
Reged: 11/19/02 |
Posts: 2319 |
| |
Thanks for the
clarification on a merchant's gold, CaveRat.
Can you imagine
what it would be like if all of Morrowind's little quirks were fully
documented for us modders? The Editor's help file would be 1 GB!

Post Extras: |
communet |
Layman |
Reged: 12/16/03 |
Posts: 7 |
| |
ahh! ya all
are over thinking the
simple. wait 24 hours of game time. everything fixes itself;
Post Extras: |
Malhavoc |
Acolyte |
Reged: 08/29/03 |
Posts: 135 |
| |
ahh! ya all are over thinking the
simple. wait 24 hours of game time. everything fixes itself;
*bump* that's great. i was
holding off on taking money from other mod merchants because of
dirty save issues but now i'm going to use the CS to rob them blind!
Post Extras: |
Nigedo |
Diviner |
Reged: 05/29/03 |
Posts: 2594 |
Loc: Deep beneath Vvardenfell
| |
NOTE: If anybody has a good explanation of how to use the
'Details' list in the Construction Set to clean a dirty save, feel
free to tack it on to this thread.
Just thought I'd add a quick
explanation here about how you can use TESAME to
clean your dirty save.
Backup your save game before you
attempt this so you can restore it if you are not happy with the
Load up your game in Morrowind and take your
Player Character somewhere well away from the problem area then save
your game using a new unique name e.g "dirty save".
Now, you need to load up TESAME then select the menu option
'MODS' and 'OPEN'.
Then browse to your save game location
e.g. C:\Program Files\Games\Morrowind\Saves
select 'All Files (*.*)' in the 'Files of type' box at the
Highlight the unique name that you gave to the save
game you want to clean and click 'OPEN'.
Note: The save game
name will look slightly different when you browse for it in TESAME
but you should be able to distinguish it from the other save games
by the unique name you gave it, only part of which will be evident
e.g. "dirty sa0000.ess".
It may take a short time to load up
your save game. Once it is loaded, click on the 'Type' column
title at the top and that will sort all the items by their types.
Look down the list for items of type 'Cell' (color
coded in pink) and find the reference for the cell region that
contains the problem mod and right click on that item.
press the delete key.
What this does is
remove the reference from within your save game to your character
ever having been in that cell and interacting with or owning
anything in that cell.
(I'm not sure
whether editing the cell changes NPC's though, so you may want to
check and do the same for any NPC's that you have problems with.)
So any personal items belonging to your character that were
still in that cell will be deleted from your save game as will all
previous interactions with any mods in that cell.
Now select
the menu option 'MODS' and 'SAVE AS'. If you have the capability,
then you should now right click on the original dirty save game
("dirty save.ess") in the 'SAVE AS' dialog box and delete it (you
did make a back up somewhere else didn't you?). This is because
Morrowind will not be able to distinguish between the original and
the TESAME'd save game and it will save you any headaches over which
is which when you go to open it in Morrowind.
Again select
'All Files (*.*)' in the 'Files of type' box at the bottom
and give your cleaned save game a unique name e.g. "cleaned
Now click 'SAVE'.
If you haven't already
deleted the original dirty save game file, you should now open your
save games folder and delete it directly.
Start up Morrowind
and go to the 'Data Files' option. Uncheck any mods that were
showing up the dirty problems in your save game.
Now load up
Morrowind and load your new cleaned save.
Note: The clean
save will probably have the same name as the dirty save had when
displayed in the Morrowind Load Save Game Menu because it doesn't
look at the actual file name you gave it.
Save your newly
cleaned game with a new name.
If you want to, you can now go
back and recheck the mods that you intend to continue using. But
don't resave with those mods added if you want to continue
altering them.
-------------------- Dean of The Theoretical Whirling School Of Vivec
The Whirling School | Academy for Dwemer Studies | TES Lore FAQ
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Diviner |
Reged: 09/19/01 |
Posts: 4770 |
Loc: Luna Penal Colony | |
Probably the
most common cause of dirty saves is modders using the same save
games both for playing Morrowind and for testing their mods as
they're making changes. Even if you're careful, it's easy to slip up
and wind up wrecking the game you're playing by inadvertently
including a work-in-progress mod in the saved game you're actually
playing with. 
way to make it a lot easier to keep mod development and game
play separated is to install Morrowind into more than one
Before I took a break from Morrowind, I spent a
couple of months with three copies of Morrowind set up on my
computer: one for playing the game, one for play testing mods I was
working on, and one for experimenting in without interfering with my
playing or testing.
I did this with WinXP, but (as far as I
can tell) it shouldn't matter which version of Windows you're using.
The original discussion of multiple Morrowind installs was
in this thread, http://www.elderscrolls.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=1777974&page=&view=&sb=5&o=&vc=1
(in the Hardware and Software Issues forum).
Thanks to
suggestions from various people, it turned out to be extremely
simple to set up. 
set up of multiple copies of Morrowind on one computer:
Use Windows Explorer to copy and paste (or drag and drop) your
existing Morrowind installation (the 'Morrowind' directory and all
its subdirectories and files) into a new directory.
2. Create
a shortcut to the copy of 'Morrowind Launcher.exe' in the new
directory. Also create a shorcut to the new copy of 'TES
Construction Set.exe'. (I just copied the original shortcuts for
Morrowind and the editor, then renamed them and edited them to point
to the new directory.)
Repeat for as many more copies of
Morrowind as you want.
And you're
1. Each copy of Morrowind (and the
Construction Set) will use the Morrowind.ini file and plugins that
are in its own directories, so each copy can have separate .ini file
settings and installed mods.
2. Most (all?) of the settings
from Morrowind's in-game Options menu are stored in the Windows
Registry, so all the installations will share the same settings.
That wasn't any problem at all for me, since I normally set those
options once and leave them alone.
3. Also, most of the
Construction Set window positions and sizes are saved in the Windows
registry, so these will be saved by all the copies of the
Construction Set. This also didn't cause me any
1. Make sure you label shorcuts and directories
clearly so it's easy to keep track of which Morrowind installation
is for playing the game and which is for testing mods.
How I
set it up:
My main Morrowind and Construction Set (for the
game I actually play) had their shortcuts right on my desktop (and
in the Start menu, which I rarely use). The two test installations
had their shortcuts in a folder on the desktop named 'Morrowind
Testing'. That made it easy for me to keep them all
2. I did a complete uninstall and clean reinstall
of Morrowind, to get rid of all the leftover bits and pieces of old
mods I was no longer using.
After I had installed the
expansions and the latest patch, I added my custom settings to the
Morrowind.ini file (enabled screen shots, tweaked buffer settings,
Then I dragged and dropped a copy of the clean,
customized installation into a second directory to use as my test
installation of Morrowind, and set up shortcuts for starting the
copy of the game and the copy of the editor.
3. I also made a
.zip archive of the clean install, including the customized .ini
file, as a backup. That came in handy several times, when my testing
installation got too cluttered up with odds and ends of mods,
different versions of the same mod, etc. I just deleted the whole
testing copy of Morrowind, then unzipped a fresh copy from the .zip
4. To run multiple copies of the editor at the same
time, add the following line to the General section of the
Morrowind.ini file:
I found
that very handy, since it makes it very easy to compare two
different versions of the same mod or to compare a mod to the
original game, without having to constantly load and reload the mods
in the editor.
-------------------- How to avoid the most
common problem encountered by new modders: Dirty Saves: Causes and Cures
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Diviner |
Reged: 09/19/01 |
Posts: 4770 |
Loc: Luna Penal Colony | |
posted a fairly detailed explanation of how dirty saved games cause
doubling bugs, in an article about "Fighting doubling bugs" on his web
There's also an Acrobat Reader (.pdf file) version on
the Thanos Tower web site, here.
doubling problems, dirty saves also cause disappearing objects and
(rarely) containers that lose their contents when you save and
reload the game.
My guess is that the container
problem is actually a doubling issue: each time you reload the game,
the mod puts an empty double on top of the container that you put
your items in. So when you activate the container, you get the empty
double instead of the one your items are in. 
trying to keep this thread a place for tutorial information, tips,
etc. related to Dirty Saves.
Contributions from others are
very welcome ,
but if you have questions or need help with a Dirty Save problem or
other issues, please post in a new thread where your question is
less likely to be overlooked.
-------------------- How to
avoid the most common problem encountered by new modders: Dirty Saves: Causes and Cures
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Diviner |
Reged: 09/19/01 |
Posts: 4770 |
Loc: Luna Penal Colony | |
Cleaning Dirty
(Just want to collect the following in one place where
it's easier to
the basic in-game method for cleaning a saved game:
This is
most likely to succeed for a mod that's primarily
self-contained. By that, I mean one that mostly just adds new
material to the game, rather than one that makes a lot of changes to
existing content that's already in the game.
Mods that make a
lot of changes throughout the game can be difficult to clean. More
advanced techniques, using utility programs, are further
you need to do is to clean your saved game of references to the mod.
Make a backup save game before you start this, just in case.

Get all your belongings out of the mod's area: out of any
containers, cells, etc. that are part of the mod. Move your
belongings and your character to a small interior cell with very
little in it. A small house or shack without much in it is a good
choice. PIck an interior cell that has nothing to do with that
2. To avoid messing up your character's encumbrance: if
the mod adds any items to the game (clothes, weapons, armor, etc.)
make sure your character doesn't have any of the added items in
their inventory. If you're not sure, drop everything you own on the
3. Save the game and exit.
4. Restart the
game, and disable the mod on the Data Files menu before you
load the save game.
5. Now load your save game, without that
mod enabled. You'll probably see error messages; click past
6. Once you're back in the game without the mod loaded,
save the game again.
7. The new save should be a clean save.
Spend some time playing the game, without the mod, to make sure
everything seems to be working right.
8. Once you decide that
save game is OK, use it as your clean save game: your starting point
for continuing the game.
I would suggest getting rid of (or
at least relocatiing) the older save games made with the mod
If you're trying to clean a dirty saved game caused
by editing (or updating) a mod after it was included in your save
game: you definitely want to get rid of any saves made with a
different version of the mod than the one you're using now. Those
saves are dirty, and have a good chance of causing problems if used
with the current version of the
up in this thread, Nigedo posted an explanation of how to use TESAME
to clean a saved game: his post is here.
posted the following in another thread about dirty saves; I'm pasting it
in here for easier access.
This is about using Farren's
Enchanted Editor to clean a save:
Argent said:
The following is an extract from one of Farren's posts
that is also included in the readme file I bundled with the editor
on Euro-MW:
Reduce a 5mb Save Game File to 1MB (major FPS increase and
kills most "doubling"")
This technique has some quirks like resurrecting all dead
characters but does not break quests or change characters
attitudes to you etc. The vast majority of space taken in in your
save is NPCC (characters you've stolen from, killed etc) and CELL
(Cells you've altered) records, so...
1. Load the save
2. Turn OFF safe editing (Edit/Editing Options/Safe
Editing or just click the symbol like a roadsign on the toolbar
till it warns you and the symbol turns bright yellow and red)
3. Click the check box next to the "Cells" node to mark
all cells.
4. Click the "Cells" node (not the checkbox) to
expand it and show all cells and scroll down till you see the cell
or cells where you keep all your loot (your home, if you have
one). Uncheck this cell in the check box or you lose your loot.
5. Click the check box next to "NPCs Altered/Killed by
Player" (NPCC) node to mark all altered NPCs.
Click the "NPCs Altered/Killed by Player" (NPCC) Node to expand
the node and show all NPCC record. Scroll down to the
"PlayerSaveGame" record and UNCHECK it. You don't want to delete
this specific record or your save game will be ruined.
Press Delete. All CELL and NPCC entries apart from your home and
the PlayerSaveGame will be deleted.
8. Save your game. I
got a 5MB game (LOTS of mods and Neverine) down to 1MB like this.
Everyone I knew still thought I was the bees knees and I could
walk around Balmora without feeling like a crippled snail on
downers afterwards (much better FPS).
-------------------- How to avoid the
most common problem encountered by new modders: Dirty Saves: Causes and Cures
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Soar182 |
Curate |
Reged: 05/29/03 |
Posts: 587 |
Loc: Minnesota | |
Hello. I do
not know if you have this listed any where. But I noticed a weird
thing last night while testing.
You can get a dirty saved
game / Doubling effect from. Using an older mod then the mods you
are currently useing. IE Your saved game has 3 mods made May
24th 2004. Now you decide to add a mod made June 10th 2003 If
you use the new plug in with that date. Your original 3 mods
will all double thus the dirty saved game.
So to avoid the
problem. You should load the old mod in the CS. Save it, clean
the GMST's if you get them. Now add too your saved game.
may all ready be posted. But I did not read every post on this
-------------------- Screen shots
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Sergna |
Acolyte |
Reged: 04/14/04 |
Posts: 184 |
Loc: Rainbow Tiger with a Hornet's head
| |
It looks like
i'm the only one who mods with the same exact mod in that savegame
and dosen't give a crap.
Even if you DO get a Dirty Save, it
wears off after a while, just LEAVE the area alone and it will back
to normal.
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Diviner |
Reged: 09/19/01 |
Posts: 4770 |
Loc: Luna Penal Colony | |
It looks like i'm the only one who mods with the same
exact mod in that savegame and dosen't give a crap.
Even if
you DO get a Dirty Save, it wears off after a while, just LEAVE
the area alone and it will back to normal.
I think you're also the only
one who thinks that dirty saves aren't a problem.
Plenty of people have found out differently the hard way (which is
why this thread exists).
I think I'll go by my own experience
and that of all the other hundreds of people who've dealt with,
debated, complained about, etc. this issue over the last couple of
You may have been extremely lucky so far, but
that doesn't mean it's not a real problem.
-------------------- How to avoid the most common problem
encountered by new modders: Dirty Saves: Causes and Cures
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Klinn |
Diviner |
Reged: 11/19/02 |
Posts: 2319 |
| |
wrote: "Even if you DO get a Dirty Save, it wears off after a while,
just LEAVE the area alone and it will back to
That is only true for an extremely limited
number of item types, e.g. there are some things that reset after 72
For example, try mucking around with a non-respawning
container (the most common kind), having already opened it with your
test character and saved. Opening it puts the container's inventory
at that point into the save game. Modding it again, and you won't
see the changes since you've got a 'dirty save'. Try bartering with
an NPC, then modifying the NPC again. Etc, etc.
matter how long you wait, it won't "wear off".
If you save
while modding and haven't run into a 'dirty save' problem, that's
just because you haven't yet touched any of the usual things that
cause it.
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Argent |
Disciple |
Reged: 02/05/03 |
Posts: 1854 |
Loc: Australia | |
You can get a dirty saved game / Doubling effect
from. Using an older mod then the mods you are currently
This is an important point you
raise- the key point here seems to be a result of shuffling the
load-order of plugin files (the reason behind this is explained in
the post DT linked to earlier).
One thing I am curious to
know is, and haven't yet tested, is whether the game loads the files
in order of date stamp or .ini listing.
-------------------- Immersive
Architect: Make Morrowind your world builder.
Morrowind Tech
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Klinn |
Diviner |
Reged: 11/19/02 |
Posts: 2319 |
| |
To the best of
my knowledge, it loads ESMs in order of file date, and ESPs in order
of file date.
A while back my Morrowind.ESM got 'touched' so
it had a more recent file date than Tribunal.ESM or Bloodmoon.ESM.
It appeared in the data file lists below the expansions, and caused
a huge bunch of problems. (e.g. the infamous 's' prefix problem, but
without any ESPs loaded!) The order specified in the INI file didn't
change, just the file date.
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Diviner |
Reged: 09/19/01 |
Posts: 4770 |
Loc: Luna Penal Colony | |
Hello. I do not know if you have this listed any where.
I think you just found a new
weirdness for us to puzzle over....
You can get a dirty saved game / Doubling effect from.
Using an older mod then the mods you are currently useing.
IE Your saved game has 3 mods made May 24th 2004. Now
you decide to add a mod made June 10th 2003 If you use the new
plug in with that date. Your original 3 mods will all double
thus the dirty saved game.
Edit: If anybody
else tries the following (or something similar) and can't duplicate
my results, I'll be happy to hear it.
I'd much rather find out that this was just a mistake on my part,
instead of discovering that that it's possible for an older .esp to
override a newer one and a saved game...
Got to take a
break; I'll take another look at all this later.
I just did a brief experiment with this. I didn't get
any doubling.
Instead, I apparently have data in an
older mod overriding both a newer mod and a save game.
My testing was fairly quick, but I did go back and
check in the Construction Set to make sure I didn't have the changes
in my 'Older' and 'Newer' .esp files backwards. I also rechecked the
Data Files menu to make sure 'Older' was listed above 'Newer'. And I
checked the Data Files list in the game to make sure I had the
correct mods loaded when I made my test saves.
preliminary guess on this is that it's a combination of a
dirty mod conflict and a dirty save problem. Both my
test mods were changing the same reference that was in the original
game, which is always a potential source of trouble.
1. I saved the game (clean, no mods at
all) in Arrille's Tradehouse before loading either test mod.
2. I created two mods to move the chest on the counter in
Arrille's Tradehouse to a new position: 'Older' mod put it in front
of the counter, 'Newer' put it in back.
3. I loaded my clean
save (in the Tradehouse) with just 'Newer' mod enabled. Chest was
behind the counter, where it should have been.
4. Saved the
game in the Tradehouse (with 'Newer' loaded). Then exited the game.
5. Reloaded the game with both mods enabled ('Older'
and 'Newer').
6. This time the chest was in front of
the counter, even though that position was set in the 'Older'
I'll double check, retest again later, but from the
above it looks like 'Older' was overriding both the 'Newer' plugin
and the saved game.
It's always possible, of course, that when I recheck I'll
discover I've got my head shoved where it doesn't belong.
Right now it looks (to me) like yet another reason why clean
modding is so important.
I'll try to investigate this more
later on. Right now I want to think about this some more.
-------------------- How to avoid the most common problem
encountered by new modders: Dirty Saves: Causes and Cures
Edited by DinkumThinkum (07/23/04 07:58
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Diviner |
Reged: 09/19/01 |
Posts: 4770 |
Loc: Luna Penal Colony | |
Some more tips
on avoiding dirty saves:
The basic cause of dirty saves is
changing a mod after it's already included in your saved
When you're developing mods, the easiest way to avoid
dirty save problems is to always test your mod using a clean saved
game: a save game made before you first added the mod to the
Do all your mod testing with a brand-new character
straight off the ship, created with no mods of any type installed.
Run through the character creation process (with no mods installed),
and save the new character as soon as you walk out into Seyda
Name the save something you'll recognize (<Test
character at start> or whatever suits you). It's a good idea to
make a backup of the save game (.ess) file in case you overwrite or
delete the save by accident.
Now, any time you want to test a
mod, load your test character using that saved game.
NOT to save the game with the mod you're testing loaded (or at least
don't overwrite your test save) since that will leave you with a
dirty save. (That's why I recommend making a backup copy of the
save; avoids having to redo character creation if you mess up the
this will be just a first level character, you'll probably want to
buff them up and give them some better equipment, etc. before
charging off to test your mods.
I use a global script to
boost my test character's skills and attributes, and to give her
some decent equipment. I have the script in my
'DT_SuperCharTest.esp' file, which I enable along with the mod I'm
Once I'm in the game, I just open up the console and
run the script to give my character a nice boost so she's ready for
almost anything.
Here's part of the script I use; I left out
some lines that give the character unique items I have in my test
mod. You can use this as is, or as a starting point for your own
script that adds your personal choices of equipment,
;A script to boost stats and enhance the
equipment of test characters, ; for easier testing of
;Script can be run from the in-game console, ; by
using 'StartScript, DT_SuperChar'
player -> SetStrength,
100 player -> SetIntelligence, 100 player ->
SetWillpower, 100 player -> SetAgility, 100 player ->
SetSpeed, 100 player -> SetEndurance, 100 player ->
SetLuck, 100 player -> SetPersonality, 100
player ->
SetHealth, 1000 player -> SetFatigue, 1000 player ->
SetMagicka, 1000
player -> SetLongBlade, 100 player
-> SetLightArmor, 100 player -> SetArmorer, 100 player
-> SetHeavyArmor, 100 player -> SetMediumArmor,
100 player -> SetAxe, 100 player -> SetSpear,
100 player -> SetShortBlade, 100 player ->
SetBluntWeapon, 100 player -> SetUnarmored, 100 player
-> SetHandToHand, 100 player -> SetMarksman, 100 player
-> SetAthletics, 100 player -> SetAcrobatics, 100 player
-> SetSpeechcraft, 100 player -> SetMercantile,
100 player -> SetIllusion, 100 player -> SetDestruction,
100 player -> SetSneak, 100 player -> SetConjuration,
100 player -> SetMysticism, 100 player -> SetAlteration,
100 player -> SetEnchant, 100 player -> SetAlchemy,
100 player -> SetSecurity, 100 player -> SetRestoration,
100 player -> SetBlock, 100
player -> AddItem,
"glass_helm", 1 player -> AddItem, "glass_cuirass",
1 player -> AddItem, "glass_pauldron_left", 1 player ->
AddItem, "glass_pauldron_right", 1 player -> AddItem,
"glass_bracer_left", 1 player -> AddItem,
"glass_bracer_right", 1 player -> AddItem, "glass_greaves",
1 player -> AddItem, "glass_boots", 1
player ->
AddItem, "daedric dai-katana", 1 player -> AddItem, "daedric
long bow", 1 player -> AddItem, "daedric arrow",
player -> AddItem, "amulet of mark", 1 player ->
AddItem, "amulet of recall", 1 player -> AddItem, "amulet of
divine intervention", 1 player -> AddItem, "amulet of almsivi
intervention", 1
player -> AddItem, "Gold_001",
player -> AddItem, "skeleton_key", 20 player
-> AddItem, "probe_secretmaster", 20
player -> AddItem,
"repair_secretmaster_01", 20
;Use the above 'AddItem' lines
as examples for giving your test ; character other equipment you
might find handy.
StopScript, DT_SuperChar
the script I use, I also add several unique items I created in the
Construction Set. I ommitted those lines from the above
The unique items I created for my test mod have
enchantments like Constant Effect Restore Health, Restore Fatigue,
Levitation, Water Breathing and Swift Swim, etc., and Cast When Used
Cure Poison, Cure Disease, Restore Strength, Open, etc. All of which
come in handy for my test character.
You could create your
own unique items, or just give your test character items that
already exist in the Construction
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
large, complex mods, starting each in-game test from scratch with a
clean save every time you make changes to the mod often isn't
practical. But I would recommend at least doing your final test
runs, after the mod is completed, from a clean save to make sure you
don't have any dirty save problems that can compromise your
We had a discussion about the problems involved in
testing large mods without dirty save problems in a forum thread
last year, and I may try to summarize that discussion for a later
post in this thread. But that will have to wait until I find a round
-------------------- How to avoid the most common problem
encountered by new modders: Dirty Saves: Causes and Cures
Post Extras: |

Diviner |
Reged: 09/19/01 |
Posts: 4770 |
Loc: Luna Penal Colony | |
Hello. I do not know if you have this listed any
where. But I noticed a weird thing last night while
Just a note that I started a
new thread for investigating this, to avoid confusing this
The continuation is here.
-------------------- How to avoid
the most common problem encountered by new modders: Dirty Saves: Causes and Cures
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