Domehome Tribunal version -
This is a re-release
of Grumpy's house-mod DomeHome.
It is available in two
versions - one Morrowind only version, which is the original version
by Grumpy made in september 2002, without any changes or additions,
and one Tribunal version, where I have added dialog and new heads to
the staff in the house, as well as a typical
"Grumpy-companion". I'll explain a bit further:
In autumn 2004, while
we were working on Thief Companion Constance, Grumpy sent me
Domehome. It was an older housemod of his, which had been available
on Gamers' Roam. He wondered if I thought it was worth uploading
again. I said yes - and then realized that he had set a trap and
that I had fallen into it. "Right", he said, "you do
something to spice up the staff in the house, and then we'll release
I never got around to
doing so, as we were so busy working on Constance. Then his cancer
turned to the worse.
On june 17, 2005 he passed away.
Shortly before he
passed away, he sent me all his mods and WIPs. Domehome was among
the mods, and he specifically told me that if I ever felt like doing
something with those npcs and re-release the mod, it would be nice.
It still took until
november before I did anything with DomeHome. Then, OldeCow69 had
found the housemod among the files from Gamers Roam that were about
to be uploaded at ElricM, and he wondered what to do with it. He
liked it a lot, and thought it was well worth uploading.
I made up my mind and
have now done what Grumpy wanted - I have added dialog to the people
in the house, I have given at least three of them Grumpy's favorite
heads (of the heads I have made) and I have also made one of them -
Ingred - a 'typical Grumpy'companion'. I.e. it's a lady, she has the
guard-class and DinkumThinkum's potion
handler, she is a 'shield-maiden' and not a girlfriend, and she
has approx. Beryl's script. She is leveling up according to the
system Grumpy always prefered, with her skills set to match a
warrior of the player's level but with her attributes matching the
But she has
'Emma-dialog' - i.e. she talks quite a lot more than Beryl, and have
special greetings (based on random 100) for many places and
She also recognize if you have other of our companions (like Spot, Laura, Constance, Lokken-people) in tow and will sometimes comment on that.
She does not have any
automatic recall script like Constance or Beryl/Hurd. The reason is
simple: since the previous companions were released, CdCooley has
made a non-MWSE version of his IT-mod, called "Companion
Teleportation", available here:
This mod will recall ANY companion, making separate recall-scripts
for each companion redundant. Why use one script for each companion
to do the same thing as you can do with one little mod?!
For convenience, I
have still added teleport rings to the mod, so that you can call the
npcs to you 'manually'.
The DomeHome staff
Beth - your dunmer
housekeeper. She will sometimes demand money from you for the
housekeeping, so be prepared. She also tells you more about the
staff, and she sell simple potions to you.
Berna - is the cook and offers 'a snack'. She likes booze, so you'd better watch out... Meira - is a former ballet dancer, and will love to dance for you. She is a bit vain, though, and likes compliments... She is also a good armorer and will repair your outfits. Ingred - used to be the bodyguard of the former owner of the house. Now she is happy if you let her be your companion.
All of them should be
able to recognize and sometimes comment on other of our companions.
Also, other companions - Laura, Lokken-people, Constance, MW-family, Witchgirl people, Lost Heir people - should have unique greetings that they will only give in this house, but also then only randomly.
If you are a
successful Morrowind adventurer, sooner or later you might consider
moving to a place with more luxury than DomeHome (like a pleasant
little castle or so...). Then, you can take your staff with you!
There is a special ring that will take them to any EXTERIOR location
you prefere (i.e. just outside your new home/castle/whatever).
- Emma
![]() Shopping tour with the staff. Ingred - to the right - is your new companion.
I'll let Grumpy
explain more about the house with his own words from the old readme:
Yet another
house mod.
If you used the
default install location for morrowind (c:\program files\bethesda
softworks\morrowind), then extract to the root directory (c:\).
After extraction there should be one new texture file
(tx_dwrv_capacitor01.tga) in the morrowind\data file\textures
directory, one new nif (light_dwrv_neon01.nif) in the morrowind\data
files\meshes\l directory (that's L and not 1), and the domehome.esp
file in the morrowind\data files directory.... Hopefully.
If you put your
morrowoind files anyplace else you'll have to place these three
files manually.
The original mod was
at "the other place". I revamped this one a little.
Really didn't like the pi$$-green lights, so I did a simple re-coloring
of the original texture. Like to call it "early american
office" now. Fixed a missing shelf in the servants room
and added a footpath from "up high" to the bitter coast
region. This mod won't make any permanent changes to your
existing game files. Just delete the three files and
"l" directory to get rid of it.
Again, for the
purists- The lift (just a couple of teleport doors) was there cause
I got tired of running up the stairs everytime I wanted to check the
No strings attached.
Entrance is at the top of the stairs to the left of "Clagius
Clanler's" place in Balmora. This shouldn't conflict with
other mods unless they use the same locations. Anybody wants
to use this in their own mod, feel free (credit please).
Not sure how this will run on low-end systems.
- Grumpy
Download links (both versions included):
Conflicts and fixes DomeHome
will conflict with Balmora
Expansion, and probably it also conflicts with other house
mods. In fact, this house was made before most other house mods, so it
would be fair to say that other houses conflict with DomeHome rather
than the other way around!!
Compatibility fix with Asgard and Balmora Expansion
Balmora Expanded - compatibility esp for Balmora Expansion and Tribunal version of Domehome made by Man In Zero G Asgard - compatibility patch for Domehome and Asgard by TextureFreak Download
Please note! If you
want to use Asgard, Domehome and Balmora Expanded together, you'll
also need the compatibility patch for Asgard and Balmora Expanded.