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Topic: Trouble with companion on stairs in Rethan Manor
(Read 62 times) |
Helpful Commoner 
OfflinePosts: 88 |
So far my
adoption mod works fine, with two exceptions. The first
problem is with the PositionCell command which I asked
about in another thread. The second problem is with
getting the child to walk up or down the stairs in
follow mode while in Rethan Manor(Hlaalu
Most of the time the npc starts
walking back and forth at the bottom of the stairs, as
if her path was blocked. Some of the time she will walk
up the stairs, but coming down the steps she will stop
just above the bottom step and walk back and forth
again. If she is in wander mode, she will walk up to the
problem spots and then stop as if she had run into a
I was wondering if this is a common problem
for companions in Rethan Manor? If not, I will start
looking at my scripts, but I don't think that there is
anything in them that should cause this sort of
problem. |
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I don't know
about Rethan Manor, but a wild guess would be that it's
her size. Compared to 'normal' npcs she is scaled down
to 70 % or something like that. This has side effects. A
so much downscaled npc will have a difficulty with both
x- y- and z- movements. For instance, I have seen a
down-scaled little woodelf (not from children mod) who
walked in concrete up to her hips when going over the
Balmora Bridges.
As for the small children, i
have see them walk right through certain static
I think your problem is connected to
this and you may have to live with it unless you make
her a teenager instead.
It could of course also
be a problem with Rethan Manor - have you checked how
the pathgrids look for that stair? |
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Helpful Commoner 
OfflinePosts: 88 |
Now it's time
to show my ignorance  How do you check the path grids? As far
as the character moving through solid objects, I found
that out when I tried to make her climb onto a bed. I
think that I have a work around for that, but if it does
not work, I may have to alter my plans for having her
use the sleep animation. |
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In the icons
list at the upper left corner in tESCS, you'll find the
pathgrid button between teh landscape button and
the light button, it's yellow lines and red dots (sorry,
have no better words for it) |
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Helpful Adventurer 
OfflinePosts: 152
Alright, this
time Emma won't steal my thunder while I'm making pics
and uploading them. Pathgridding for
dummies<> A. Click on the Pathgrid
icon or use World->Edit Cell Path Grid.  <> B. This will
bring up a small window. Generate default grid isn't
interesting, as it will make the same mistakes as the
AI. Granularity defines the size of the squares created
by the red path nodes (red == default) when a default
path grid is generated. Save user points seems to have
no purpose, user points are always saved anyway. You can
check it just to be sure.  <> C. So, leave the
path grid window open, and go to your render
window.  Here are the rules of
making pathgrids: 1. Path nodes can be selected and
moved just like any other items. 2. However, they
can't be rotated. (That would be useless anyway.) A
right click creates a new path node. 3. Default path
nodes are red, custom path nodes are blue. Moving a red
node turns it to blue. 4. Path nodes can be deleted
just like items, with the delete key. 5. In this
mode, it's the selected node that is used as the pivot
point when rotating/centering/etc. the view. 6. With
a node selected, Ctrl + left click on another connects
both; or if they're already connected, disconnects
them. 7. Pathways and pathnodes are especially useful
at places where the AI has trouble navigating. A flat,
large, straight hallway without obstacles won't even
need one, but a place with stairs, doorjambs, ramps, and
other obstacles will need a detailed grid. A good
example is the famous cavern of Addamasartus, near Seyda
Neen:  As you see, the grid follows
the ledge leading to the entrance. If you delete this in
a test esp, then start a new game with that esp, you'll
notice that the smuggler in the first piece won't react
adequately. Attack her from the entrance with ranged
weapons, and she'll charge straight at you and get stuck
in the elevation. With the path grid, she knows that to
reach the entrance she has to pass through the
ledge. <> D. Finally, once you've made the
path grid for your cell, click on Save. This saves your
pathgrid and closes the path grid window, returning the
render window to its usual mode. |
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Gez, this is an
absolutely excellent mini-tutorial on path-grids! It
really should have it's own topic, too! If you
would care to post it also as a stand-alone topic, it
would be absolutely great. Also, with your
permission, I would like to add the thread also to my tutorials section on my site,
because I think many people will find it very
useful. |
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Helpful Commoner 
OfflinePosts: 88 |
Wow Gez, that
was great information Thanks to both of you for the help.
Emma, I think it would be great to make this into part
of a tutorial. |
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Helpful Adventurer 
OfflinePosts: 152
Gez, this is an absolutely excellent
mini-tutorial on path-grids! It really should have it's
own topic, too! If you would care to post it also
as a stand-alone topic, it would be absolutely
great. Also, with your permission, I would like
to add the thread also to my tutorials section on my site,
because I think many people will find it very
useful. I also posted it here on the TR boards. And you
have full permission to do what you want with this mini
tut.  |
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for this thead, everyone. Now I should be able to make
my house mod more friendly to companions! (for the most
part they get around things fine, there's just a couple
spots that they seem to have trouble with) |
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GEZ, thank you!
 . Even if it's on TR boards (which has an
excellent tutorial section - I'm linking to it from my
site) it's always good to have a tutorial on more than
one place, should a site be down for a day or two. So,
I'll put this mini tutorial in my little tutorial
section. |
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Helpful Commoner 
OfflinePosts: 88 |
I wanted to let
everyone know how it has turned out. There are already
path-grids in Rethan Manor, but they did not work
properly. After experimenting, I found that the problem
areas had the path-grid elevated a fair distance above
the stairs, and that by lowering the path-grid so that
it was just barely going through the edge of the steps,
it worked properly. However, path-grids were not able to
fix all of the problems. My companion could go up the
stairs fine, but she was unable to go through the
doorway at the bottom of the stairs when going down the
stairs, so I removed the doorjam and everything works
fine now.  I would guess that if there are
multiple obstructions, a path-grid may not be adequate
to take care of the problem. |
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Helpful Commoner 
OfflinePosts: 84
there. That's new. |
In the icons list at the upper left
corner in tESCS, you'll find the pathgrid button between
teh landscape button and the light button, it's yellow
lines and red dots (sorry, have no better words for
Personally, I love the in-game console
command TPG, if I find people aren't following me
nicely, I incant that and.. "Bah! there's no grid here!
Lazy modders!" -Neko  |
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